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Power Converters in New Energy Application_AGV Portion

This episode is to introduce you to dc/dc converter applications. This time, we focus on the new energy applications of AGV or AMR.



In Industry 4.0 or smart manufacturing, a key topic is factory logistics, which is also a key link in production and manufacturing.

With the improvement of positioning, navigation, positioning accuracy and safety, the AGV application market is growing rapidly.

The scope of AGV market applications has expanded rapidly, such as AMR equipped with robotic arms and automatic navigation functions.

AGV內部對於電源需求的應用特點有以下幾個要求,分別是 寬輸入電壓範圍. 良好的EMI表現. 高隔離電壓. 轉換效率高,以及低輕載功耗.

The key features of dc/dc converter in AGV application as below: Good EMI performance. Wide input voltage range. High isolation voltage. High efficiency and low power consumption.

這是一個AGV應用的方塊圖. 由於輸入電源是電池,因此,具備寬輸入電壓範圍的轉換器較適合這類型的應用. 轉換器供電至後端,再透過PoL轉換器供電給MCU. 或者是夠過隔離轉換器,供電給隔離的偵測器,偵測電池電壓或雷達等等的裝置.

This figure shows a block diagram for AGV application. Since the input power source is a battery, a converter with a wide input voltage range is important for it.

The converter provides isolated power to internal device, and then PoL converter transfer voltage to MCU.

Or it is a device that can pass through an isolation converter, power an isolated detector, detect battery voltage or radar, etc. Using dc/dc converters will bring benefits to the system.

Like minimize layout space, optimize thermal and EMS performance! Thanks for your attention, see you next time.



頻譜電子創立於1987年,為專業的高階電源模組(交流轉直流電源轉換器, 直流轉直流電源轉換器)提供設計製造及技術服務,服務範圍遍及全球。我們致力於位客戶創造商機並且自詡為客戶的虛擬事業體。頻譜電子擁有35年以上的豐富經驗,從市場研究開始,我們在商業方案、產品研發、供應鏈管理以及全面技術服務等都可以提供高標準的服務。

頻譜電子是業界中唯一擁有ISO9001, IATF16949, ISO22163(目前為台灣唯一一家獲得銀級認證的公司)以及ESD20.20。我們專精於高端應用,像是工業、鐵道、電動載具以及醫療市場等。我們的技術能力涵蓋寬輸入範圍12:1、寬操作溫度自-40°C至110°C、超高絕緣標準可以達到reinforced以及2MOPP、高隔離耐壓達到20KVDC,甚至可以達到EMI Class A Built in等。除此之外,頻譜電子導入智慧製造以及國際化的生產基地,讓我們可以遊刃有餘的面對來自世界各地且變化極大的需求。