Back to topIsolated Gate Driver Power Module for Open Compute Project solution
In this video, we will review the Open Compute Project (OCP) and select power converters to build a convenient solution.
Open Compute Project (OCP) is an open-design architecture aiming to redesign everything from the data center down to the server to improve power management and ease of maintenance, which brings innovations to edge AI applications.
OCP rack and power specifications aim to simplify overall rack power distribution by driving scalable and efficient solutions. It uses a distributed power architecture that powers all these different subsystems through independent DC/DC converters, such as gate driver power supplies.
Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs offer more impressive switching characteristics compared to silicon-based components, making them ideal as switching elements for motor drives. However, the power required to turn each SiC on and off determines the output power of the gate driver power module. It is directly related to drive voltage (VDRV), gate charge (QG), and switching frequency (fsw).
CTC gate driver power supplies meet industry standards and offer various features, including high voltage precision to prevent exceeding allowable error ranges, low isolation capacitance to avoid system malfunctions caused by noise during switching, and over 20 drive voltage options to meet power demands.
Our portfolio of power converter products is suitable for a wide variety of rack and power design solutions and voltage ranges while ensuring exceptional system performance.
頻譜電子創立於1987年,為專業的高階電源模組(交流轉直流電源轉換器, 直流轉直流電源轉換器)提供設計製造及技術服務,服務範圍遍及全球。我們致力於為客戶創造商機並且自詡為客戶的虛擬事業體。頻譜電子擁有35年以上的豐富經驗,從市場研究開始,我們在商業方案、產品研發、供應鏈管理以及全面技術服務等都可以提供高標準的服務。
頻譜電子是業界中唯一擁有ISO9001, IATF16949, ISO22163(目前為台灣唯一一家獲得銀級認證的公司)以及ESD20.20。我們專精於高端應用,像是工業、鐵道、電動載具以及醫療市場等。我們的技術能力涵蓋寬輸入範圍12:1、寬操作溫度自-40°C至110°C、超高絕緣標準可以達到reinforced以及2MOPP、高隔離耐壓達到20KVDC,甚至可以達到EMI Class A Built in等。除此之外,頻譜電子導入智慧製造以及國際化的生產基地,讓我們可以遊刃有餘的面對來自世界各地且變化極大的需求。