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Wide input range voltage DC4.5-75V
Industrial standard package
EMI EN55011 class A without external circuit
Meet 4th edition of EMI EN55011, EMS EN 60601-1-2 and EN 60601-1 low leakage current
Safety meets 2MOPP per EN/ UL 60601 3rd edition
The specification of power converters for medical applications is a task that must be approached with great care; especially in these times where key safety and environmental standards for medical equipment. All of our power converters for medical application are built to satisfy EN/UL60601-1 safety standard, offering two means of patient protection (2MOPP), and all items have high isolated voltage compliance for EN/UL60601-1 standard, high isolation removes the path for conduction of functional currents of the applied part through the body. This approach has the equally important benefit of reducing patient leakage current. All of our medical power converters exhibit low leakage currents to prevent electric shocks.

Medical Industry
- Medical Industry
- Oral Irrigator
- Medical Video Recording Equipment
- Medical Endoscopy
- Volumetric Infusion Pump