To overcome the design limitations of customer’s device and pass strict tests, we communicate with customer again and again. We change the circuit design and downsize the power converter to accommodate customer’s requirements. Moreover, we succeed in working out the problem that customer needs to solve urgently: pass surge test (line to PE 4KVDC) and dynamic load (0~50% load). The product specs:
- 40W, Eighth brick compact size
- 9-60V, 8:1 wide input voltage range
- Wide operating temperature -40~110°C
- High efficiency 91%
- High isolation 4KVDC
With EMC lab in house, CTC can complete a variety of test timely, we can meet customer’s need to pass strict tests. With 30-year design experience, we can help our customer to dig out the best solution in limited time. We can achieve great performance that meet customer’s expectation, in addition, the cost is well contained within budget.